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8 Books to Add to Your October TBR

As spooky season approaches, what better way to embrace the Halloween/October spirit than by diving into books that perfectly complete the mood? As a mood reader myself, I've eagerly set aside a handful of books specifically for October. The selections I'll be sharing today span various genres, yet all encapsulate that cozy, spooky, October ambiance we crave. I'm confident that among these recommendations, there's a book for everyone to enjoy!

These are all books I have yet to read, but hope to get to this month. Read along with me and come back at the end of the month for my reviews!

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I've included links to all the books in this post. Just click the image of the book and it will take you straight to the Amazon page for the book!

Assistant to The Villain - By Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Genres: Fiction/Romantic Fantasy/Fantasy Comedy

The first book you need to add to your October tbr is the recently released "Assistant to the Villain". If you've been on booktok, you might have seen this book floating around already. It is famous for not only its beautiful red-sprayed edges, but also for it's hilarous rep. It is described as "Once Upon a Time meets The Office" and that was enough for me to hit add to cart. If you're not convinced yet, maybe this quote will help encourage you:

"Sir we meant you no harm. Please, Please, let us go"

"You meant her harm. That is enough for me"

Bunny - By Mona Awad

Genres: Horror/Thriller/Fantasy

To be real, I don't know a lot about this book.. not even the plot. But honestly thats how I like to go into books sometimes. I do know that this book is a little spooky, which is perfect for this time of year. I also know that it leaves people confused and thinking, so if you don't like that then maybe skip this one. I for one like when a book leaves me wondering and I can scour the enternet for theories and explanations. This book is described as "The Secret History meets Jennifer's Body", and while I have yet to read "The Secret History", its on my radar. So alas, Bunny is on my tbr for October and should be on yours too if you like this genre!

Caraval - By Stephanie Garber

Genres: YA Fantasy/Romance

When fall rolls around, I'm always picking up more fantasies. I chose this one for October for a number of reasons, #1 I really want to read "Once Upon a Broken Heart" by Stephanie Garber and everyone says to read the Caraval trioligy first. #2 it seems like a great choice for October. It's described as "A legendary competition, a mesmerizing romance, an unbreakable bond between 2 sisters". It just feels like its going to be the perfect cozy, but thrilling fantasy.

If We Were Villains - By M.L. Rio

Genres: Mystery/Dark Acadamia/Contemporary

I just recently entered the dark acadamia world last month with "The Atlas Six" and I absolutely loved it! I've been eager to read another book in this genre so I added "If We Were Villains" to this months tbr. It's described as a "Shakespeare-inspured murder-mystery" and that's really all I needed to know. I've seen this book floating around for a while and a lot of people enjoy it. I'm excited to read it this month and if you love dark acadamia or want to try it out, this is the perfect one for October!

Too Late - By Colleen Hoover

Genres: Romance/Thriller

The next three books are all by Colleen Hoover because I am trying to finish more of the books I have by her. I've been saving these for the perfect time, and theres no better time to read a spooky book than October! This one, "Too Late" is a "psychological suspense novel of obsession and dangerous love". I'll admit, after reading "Verity" (which is one you should CERTAINTLY read this month if you haven't already) I've been eager to read another thriller by Colleen. I hope this one is just as face-paced and envoloping as that one!

Layla - By Colleen Hoover

Genres: Romance/Thriller/Paranormal

After reading "Verity" I bought "Layla" to see if I'd enjoy it as much as I did Verity. However, after finding out Paranormal was one of the genres, I decided to wait unil October to read it. I don't know much other than the genres, but Colleen's books are always easy for me to read and I usually enjoy them. I'm curious to see if I'll like a paranormal book because this will be the first for me. If you're looking for a book to read close to Halloween, this would be my recommendation!

Never Never - By Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher

Genres: YA Romance/Mystery

I honestly know the least about this book. I saw the new cover in stores and bought it to add to my Colleen Hoover collection. Based on the genres, I've waited until this month to give it a try. This book is written by both Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher, so I'm interested in seeing how these authors worked together. I'm curious if I'll notice a difference between this one and Colleen's other books that are just written by her. Since I have so little to offer you about this book, here is a snippet from GoodReads:

Charlie Wynwood and Silas Nash have been best friends since they could walk. They've been in love since the age of fourteen. But as of this morning...they are complete strangers. Their first kiss, their first fight, the moment they fell in love...every memory has vanished. Now Charlie and Silas must work together to uncover the truth about what happened to them and why.

Lord of the Flies - By William Golding

Genres: Classic/Dystopia/Psychological Fiction

This is a book you might have read in school, I however, never had to read it and therefor never have. I've had peers who read it back in high school, and it has always intrigued me. The thing that made me finally buy the book was last year when I watched "YellowJackets" on Hulu. This show is inspired by "Lord of the Flies" and I absolutely devoured the show. I've also never read a classic so I'm excited to try it out. I don't feel like this one needs a lot of explaining since most people have heard of it, but if it's anything like "YellowJackets" I'm expecting some dark stuff.


These are the books gracing my October TBR, and I highly recommend adding them to yours as well! If you choose to dive into any of these titles, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me. Stay tuned for my reviews of these reads (fingers crossed I can devour them all) coming at the end of the month!

My Pinterest: lynnesbookshelf

My Instagram: lynnes.bookshelf

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