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How TikTok Has Influenced My Life



I'm sure I am not the only one that has been influenced by the social media app TikTok. I use the app for entertainment, advice, recommendations, and for keeping up with the lives of my peers. Today I am going to talk about how certain trends on TikTok have influenced my life in a positive way.


Morning Routine

A very common TikTok trend right now are lifestyle vlogs where people share their "5-9" morning routine before their "9-5" work life. These routines typically include journaling, working out, cleaning, making breakfast, and getting ready all before they start work. Although this trend hasn't influenced me to wake up at 5 am, it has influenced me to make a morning routine that works for me. I have valued and looked forward to my mornings ever since I started prioritizing waking up early (not 5am early), moving my body, and fueling it before I have to sit down and start on my work for the day. I think that it is important to have a good morning routine that involves things that are important to you. It has helped me start my day off on the right foot and makes me feel more motivated throughout the day.


I was never a big reader until I came across booktok on TikTok in the summer of 2021. If you don't know what booktok is, it is basically a bunch of videos about books. Usually, a few books will become very popular on booktok, and a lot of creators will make videos about the same books. Some of the video trends on booktok include videos like "convincing you to read [book title]" which would just be a bunch of pictures that help describe and give off the vibe of the book. Other videos are like "my favorite enemies to lovers romance books" which give book recommendations based on a certain book trope. When I first found booktok I kept seeing a ton of videos about the same books. Booktok convinced me to read one of the viral books and I immediately fell in love with reading. Since then, I have read about 100 books, and I still love to read! If you are trying to get into reading, I highly recommend searching "booktok" on TikTok and find a book that interests you. Reading has become such a big part of my life and without TikTok and booktok, I don't know if I would have ever discovered this passion.

Walking & Running

If at the beginning of last year someone told me that by next year I would love running, I would have laughed in their face. I have NEVER liked running and I have always said that running is one of my least favorite things to do on earth. Well, I take it all back. That's right, I love running. Even though I am terrible at it, I really enjoy running and I have to admit that it is because of TikTok that I even tried running in the first place. Now, I didn't just wake up and decide that I was going to love running. It actually stemmed from going on walks all the time. If you are a TikTok junkie like myself, you are probably familiar with the phrase "hot girl walk". This is a trend that became popular on TikTok last summer. Everyone was posting about going on their "hot girl walk" and what playlists and podcasts they listen to on their walks. This inspired me to start going on walks more and I really loved it. After a few weeks of going on walks pretty consistently, I started to want to find something that would make me push myself a little more. Don't get me wrong, I still love going on walks, especially on days that I want some exercise, but I don't want to be dead afterwards. However, there were days where I was wishing to be a little more tired after my walks. Around this time, I started seeing videos on TikTok of people posting about "come along with me for my 5 mile run". The videos were always so satisfying in a way to watch as these people checked in at each mile they ran. The next day I decided that I was going to run 5 miles, I mean these girls online made it look so easy! Well believe me, it's NOT. I could barely even run a mile! However, I did love running and I loved how it made my body feel. Ever since then I have been running and going on walks weekly and I love it! I am still not able to run 5 miles, but it is a goal I have set for myself, and running is something that you can definitely get better at with practice.


I am someone that after I graduated high school, I stopped wearing makeup. I think I was finally confident in my own skin and tired from putting makeup on every single day in high school. I was just over makeup and hated taking it off and so I just threw it all away (don't worry it was all cheap and old and definitely expired). While I love my

no-makeup days, I recently started to get back into makeup. I've been seeing a bunch of videos on my TikTok "for-you" page about makeup, and it has inspired me to try it again. Most of the videos I have seen have been to the sound "how I love being a woman" and they show different makeup products. It has helped me romanticize my life and I actually enjoy putting on makeup again. I got new products that I love and now I wear makeup whenever I feel like putting it on. It's kind of therapeutic to me and I enjoy the process of getting ready for the day. It may seem like a small thing, but it has really made my mornings more enjoyable, and I also like to treat myself and go makeup shopping every once in a while.


Now, what you might have gotten from this post is that I am very susceptible to most things that become trendy on TikTok. While this is mostly true, TikTok has honestly changed my life for the better. Yes, I might be basic, and I might like certain things because its "trendy" but what's the harm in that? Most of the habits I have picked up from TikTok have been consistent habits in my life. I hope this post encouraged you to try something new or maybe even to download TikTok and give it a try!



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